Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Finding a niche topic for my other blog has considerably narrowed down the subjects that I write about, well, that was kinda like the whole point! Seriously though, whereas before, I would blog about pretty much everthing and anything under the sun from random things like my little rubber thimble thingy at work which really, as I had explained in the past, is quite insignificant in the grander scheme of things, but in the office assistant's paper-filled world, has got to be the next best thing to sliced bread! to my shopping escapades, ok, so I have a compulsive shopping habit, so what? I kinda still do, blog on diverse subjects, that is, here at least, but my other blog is devoted to all things exclusively Metro, with Kumar being the star. It's a good thing especially in this information age, where everyone's just inundated with so much, where there exists real and not just imagined afflictions like writer's (and reader's!) block and people have more reading material at their disposal in a day, than individuals once had in their entire lifetime.

I personally find women's fashion to be quite daunting a realm to navigate, it's vast and "ever-expanding" kinda like the universe itself! Men's fashion on the other hand, is a lot more forgiving with its relatively smaller scope. That works for me! Don't get me wrong, though, there's still so much to learn and explore and it's humbling - between the Donegal, Herringbone and Prince of Wales tweed. French cuffs and single cuffs, spread and military collars. Ties - skinny ones, bowties and ascots, etc, etc. Then there are the different labels and designers, from the younger set like the Fayed brothers behind Bespoken, up and coming ones that I've never even heard of before and whose work I have had the pleasure to (eye-candy!) discover like Ovadia and Sons, etc., to the members of fashion royalty which I could attempt to enumerate but can't possibly exhaust.

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