Sunday, April 24, 2011

Source Code Spoiler

Re: Source Code. Think of it as an action movie version of Groundhog Day. Without criticizing Bill Murray himself or his acting (because we like Bill Murray!) whatever luster his character in the movie lacked was definitely compensated for (and more!) in Lost in Translation, and whatever sensory stimuli Groundhog's plot gipped us of, is definitely supplied in Source Code. Protagonist Colter Stevens is the guinea pig for a military project, developed around the existence of the "source code" - the brain's "black box" record of an individual's last minutes. He is made to re-live this eight minute window of an ill-fated Chicago commuter train passenger, over and over again, with the hope that he will recover info as to the identity of the train's bomber. With his photographic memory, everytime, Stevens is able to pick up more and more details and ultimately uses them to devise a plan to alter what happens, "thwarting" the unspeakable tragedy.

* In reply to my fave writer Jessica Zafra's question, "since when did Jake Gyllenhaal get so hot"??? Easy-peasy: since Prince of Persia!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One of my earliest recollections of what has become a life-long love for clothes, clothes, clothes, is of when I received a "Disco" Barbie. She had roller-skates and was dressed in no less than a gold *lamé* bell-bottom jumpsuit lol. I clearly remember wanting an identical outfit for myself soooo bad that in my little girl's mind, I thought, if I willed for it hard enough, my doll's flashy metallic number would by some uncanny superhuman force transform into a kid's size seven! Needless to say, it never happened - disgruntled - I now have a compulsive shopping habit (and a shoe fetish!) as a result. But I also have loads of fun these days dressing up my own daughter!

Once upon a time, little boy outfits were limited to pint-size overalls and the sailor costume, reserved for special occasions. Generation X-ers, though, have so much at their disposal and like to dress their own progeny the very same way they dress themselves, rendering their little ones, tiny mini-me's that it's almost scary! Jaden, the sole heir of Kumee's tie hoard, might be too young to actually want Ken's clothes and "will" for them to fit him, but already, he's being groomed to be dapper like his Daddy.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A few days ago, I was on a grocery run at Maxi's and was standing just short of catatonically in the middle of the toiletries aisle, fruitlessly racking my brain as to the need for what exactly had brought me there...a good five minutes later, I gave up trying, cashed my provisions and took off. Of course I remembered the very minute I got home and stepped through the door, "shavers, d'oh, shavers"!!!!

The next day, Sheryl and I went on one of our whirlwind shopping lunches. I was relating to her that incident from the day before, "Shavers, shavers -that's what I needed" I recounted, a bit loudly as we entered Pharmaprix. Two employees stocking up the shelves had caught the tail-end of our convo, and one of them enthusiastically chimed in: "Yes!!! Shavers!!! Because it's summer"!!! Yup, summer's coming indeed!!!

*note to self: Good Housekeeping says to "make lists in order to increase productivity." Wise words to live by!