When I say that I very much welcome, comments and criticisms constructive or otherwise, I really mean it, even if they are to point out typos, grammatical errors and misspellings, please, feel free to comment away!!! Like I said, it's bad enough that some won't publicly declare that they follow my blog and choose to do so anonymously because they are too embarrased to be openly associated with me in any way, but really, true friends, well, they're supposed to care enough to tell you that your fly is open or you've got something stuck between your teeth or (more importantly!) tell you that you've misspelled a word, so can I count on you guys for that? You see, I'm not a very good speller - it's no wonder that I've always fancied myself as being Lois Lane working for the Metropolis' Daily Planet and would you look at that!!! I did end up marrying my Clark who wears non-prescription faux horn-rimmed glasses "just for fun" because he has 20/20 (super) vision and has no inkling as to how it's like to be practically legally blind because of a dumb genetic predisposition towards bad eyesight as a Filipina. I'm seriously considering to get an eye laser procedure done, and while I'm at it I might as well get a tummy tuck, too for my post-two-babies stretchmarky belly. Whenever I tell Kumar this, he tries to score brownie points with me by telling me the lamest cliche that he loves me "just the way I am," but I know he just doesn't want to dole out so much moola. I've reassured him though that I will get the latter thing done once I finally find a plastic surgeon who will do it, uh, pro-bono....
So, about the spelling thing, today, no, I mean, yesterday, I spelled the word "tomorrow" (confused yet?) with two m's. That's pathetic. Do you know why? Because t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w isn't even on the list of the one hundred most commonly misspelled words, which means, the majority of the English-speaking world's population has absolutely zilch problem poperly spelling the word, making me a sorry exception. Now, as much as my poor spelling skills is a mental deficiency, so is it an attitude problem...I think the use of spellcheck tools is *beneath* me (lol). Hence *this*. But, they say not to be "independent when it comes to spelling "independent," and ask "help" to know that it's spelled with an "ent" or "don't show your ingnorance" by suffixing it with "ence" (lol), so I might have to adjust my thinking. Gosh, I love play on words (and Freudian slips!!!) But in my defense to yesterday's slip-up, at least I caught my own mistake, it did look kind of weird staring at it on my Ipod (from which I write most of my posts, which is supposed to be upgraded to an Ipad courtesy of my most handsomest hubby wink, wink!!!) and at least I can spell Mississauga...I pride myself in the fact that I had that down pat from day one, or grade two, can you???
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