Woohoo!!! So I think I survived my initiation into blogging with six months (already!) having had elapsed since my first post and this is probably how, well at least, one of, my (formerly) many daily status updates would have read today, had I not since given Facebook up: "Delighted at the diverse demographic make-up of the visitors of my blog..."
For a while there was a lull in the activity that my blog was seeing. Getting hits only in response to my shameless self-promotion on Facebook and/or by voluntary visits by both my *eight* publicly-declared followers and those of the *anonymous* set who are too ashamed to be *openly* associated with me in any way (Thanks guys, I love you, too!). These days, my blog is actually enjoying visits by people from exotic places such as Newark, Delaware & Laval, Quebec (lol) & by a significant European (Western & Eastern, Scandinavia) representation as well as some random views by people coming from places as far out as Jeddah & Jamaica, no kidding! I might never know whether these ones exited my blog as fast as they stumbled upon it without even reading as much as an article (A, The) (the limitations of my free version of Feedjit!), but it still makes me deliriously happy...no, it doesn't take much!!!
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